Dave Lobos | Web Developer About Me

About Me

Hello and welcome! I'm Dave Lobos, full-stack web developer from Mexico City. I've been navigating the ever-evolving landscape of the Internet since the late '90s. Over the years, my intrigue for the World Wide Web grew into a deep-rooted love for crafting digital experiences, a journey I'm delighted to share with you through this blog.

Though some might call web development a "profession," I prefer the term "craft." It captures the essence of what I do more fittingly—blending art and technology to bring digital visions to life. I pride myself on being a one-stop-shop for web development. From managing servers to coding database logic and designing beautiful front-end experiences, my skill set covers the entire spectrum of web application creation.

What Can You Expect?

Here, you'll find a variety of resources, from small tutorials designed to empower budding developers to snippets of code that even seasoned pros will find useful. My goal is to provide value to my readers, sharing the expertise I've acquired over two decades in the field.

Let's Connect!

Got a project in mind or simply want to say hi? Feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]. You can also find me on Twitter and check out some of my projects on Github.